Code signing

Android APKSigner


Android APKSigner, a tool available in the Android SDK Build Tools, lets you sign an Android package (APK) and confirm that the signature successfully verifies on all Android platform versions supported by the APK.

Use to protect Android APKSigner private keys

Android APKsigner can work with private keys stored on hardware security modules (HSMs), which helps prevent the disclosure of the keys and enables secure signing of APKs. With this integration, you can securely reference your private key stored in an HSM (such as ) to sign it directly by using APKSigner, the PKCS #11 library, and a Java Keystore.

Benefits of integration through PKCS #11

Integrating with provides the following benefits:

  • Enhanced security: Leveraging a for storing cryptographic keys used by Java Jarsigner significantly boosts the security posture, minimizing the risk of key compromise or unauthorized access.
  • Efficient cryptographic operations: We design our HSMs to handle cryptographic operations efficiently, reducing the time required for signing and verifying JAR files.
  • Compliance readiness: Using a can help you meet various regulatory requirements, such as FIPS 140-2, that mandate secure storage and management of cryptographic keys.
  • Operational resilience: comes with high availability and failover features, ensuring that signing JAR files remains uninterrupted even during system failures.
  • Streamlined key management: Using provides a centralized repository for cryptographic keys, simplifying their management and reducing the potential for errors or unauthorized access.