Certificate Authority

Microsoft ADCS


This guide describes how to configure the KMES Series 3 with Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) certificate authorities. For other questions about your KMES Series 3 device, see the relevant user guide.

About Microsoft ADCS

Microsoft ADCS enables you to manage certificates through a server that acts as a certificate authority (CA). With the Futurex support of ADCS, a network-connected KMES Series 3 can manage certificate authorities in a scalable manner and enable secure storage, encryption, and signing through FXCL CNG.

Integration overview

This guide shows you how to perform the following tasks:

  1. Generate a CSR from a certreq policy file.
  2. Configure the KMES Series 3.
  3. Create an association between the signed ADCS certificate and the key pair.
  4. Install and configure the FXCL CNG.
  5. Install and configure ADCS.

The following sections show you how to perform these tasks.