Install Azure Active Directory proxy
For your CA and NDES service to be accessible and used by Intune, you must install Azure Active Directory Proxy on both the CA server and the NDES server.
In a web browser, go to and log in using an account that has both an Entra P1 or P2 license and an Intune license.
From the main page, select [ View ] under Manage Azure Active Directory.
On the left toolbar, locate and select [ Application Proxy ].
Select [ Download connector service ] and then [ Accept ].
Run the installer on your server. When prompted, log in with an Azure Global Administrator account.
After the installation completes, select [ Close ].
To verify the installation, return to the Application Proxy page.
You see your server's FQDN listed with an Active status
For more information on installing and configuring Azure Active Directory Proxy, refer to the Microsoft documentation.