Install and configure the FXCL CNG
The Futurex Client Library (FXCL) is a set of functions, offered through either Java (Java Native Interface) or C++, which applications use to access cryptographic processing and key management functionality.
To maintain system security, install and operate only copies of FXCL that you get directly from Futurex. A member of the Solutions Architect team either provides the files or makes them available for download on the Futurex Portal or equivalent Futurex-operated file distribution platform.
Download or copy the file to the computer where you plan to run the Microsoft AD CS instance.
Unzip the file in any directory, then go to the fxcl-x.x.x-win64\bin folder.
Run the InstallCNG.bat file to install FXCL CNG. If the installation fails, copy all of the files in the bin\ folder to C:\Program Files\Futurex\fxcl\kmes\cng\, and change the cng.config.json file name to config.json.
Create the C:\FX-Logs directory. The FXCL CNG configuration file settings send log output to the FXCL CNG logs in the FX-Logs\ directory.
Open the config.json file for editing, and make the following changes, as shown in the following sample file:
Required configuration
Set the define to point to C:\FX-Logs\fxcl-cng.log
Set the define to point to the IP and port of the network-connected KMES Series 3 device
Make the following changes in the Windows Store TLS settings section:
Required configuration
Set the define to point to the My, which corresponds with the Personal store
Set the define to the Common/Subject Name of the AD CS certificate
Set the define to the Root store, which corresponds with the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store
Set the define to true
The preceding sample file does not show the ca, p12, and p12_pass File TLS Setting defines because the configuration procedure uses the Windows Store TLS authentication method. However, the Windows Store TLS settings takes precedence if you define both.
Open either the command prompt or PowerShell.
Run the following certutil command to test the connection between FXCL CNG and the KMES Series 3 by using the client TLS certificate configured for AD CS in the Windows Certificate Store:
If the connection succeeds, the following message displays on the last line of the command output:
If the command fails, check the FXCL CNG log for details about the error that occurred.