Oracle Database TDE (12c)
Configure the Vectera Plus

Create a new identity and associate it with the new application partition


For this step, you must log in with an identity that has a role with the Identity:Add permission. You can use the default Administrator role and Admin identities.

Choose one of the following methods to create the identity and associate it with the application partition:

Excrypt Manager

Go to the Identity Management menu and select Add.


Specify a name for the new identity.


Then, in the Roles drop-down menu, select the name of the previously created application partition to associate the new identity with the application partition that you created.

If the HSM is in FIPS mode, you must repeat the preceding steps to create a second identity. The passwords for the two identities must be identical because of how the PKCS #11 library logs into the HSM.

You must set the name of the identity (or identities if the HSM is in FIPS mode) in the fxpkcs11.cfg file, in the <HSM> section, as shown in the following example:
