Test the EJBCA server
To test the web service, import a certificate (generated by the EJBCA Administrator) into the web browser by performing the following steps:
The following example uses Chrome.
Open the menu and select Settings.
Go to Privacy and security > Security.
Open the Manage Certificates certificate settings to add the certificate and enable communication.
Select [ Import ] to add a new certificate.
Validate the certificate generation to log in to the web service.
Log in to the EJBCA web service at the following link: https://<your server IP address>:8443/ejbca/adminweb/
From the left toolbar on the Administration site, you can generate certificates and Crypto Tokens to work with the HSM. Select the Crypto Tokens option in the left toolbar menu.
Select the Create New option.
Enter the required information to create a new Crypto Token that uses the FXPKCS11 library, and select [ Save ].
Select the manager from the next menu to generate new keys.
To generate a new key, specify a name and select the key algorithm. Then, select [ Generate new key pair ].
Select [ Test ] to verify that key pair generation works properly.