Oracle Database TDE (19c)

Generate a TDE Master Encryption Key on the Vectera Plus


To configure Oracle Database 19c TDE with an HSM, we recommend that you refer to the following Oracle knowledge base article:

This section shows a very basic example of configuring Oracle TDE with an HSM using PKCS #11. However, there are many nuances in an Oracle Database environment, so the following steps do not apply directly to all situations and implementations. Use this section only as a general guide and thoroughly consult the preceding Oracle documentation link before implementing Oracle TDE with an HSM in your environment.

To use HSM-based encryption, you must generate a Master Encryption Key (MEK) and store it on the . TDE uses it to encrypt and decrypt the Oracle Table Keys.

This section covers the following Oracle Database implementation methods: A standard implementation of Oracle Database running on a server or desktop and an Oracle Database implementation running in a Docker container.

Choose one of the following methods to perform the implementation:

Standard implementstion Linux
Standard implementation Windows
Docker container implementation

Set the Oracle environment with the following commands:

The oraenv tool sets up the Oracle database environment for the current session and enables the sqlplus command. To set the Oracle environment, use the following procedure. When prompted, specify the system ID (SID) for the instance (orcl in this example) or use the default value indicated between the brackets in line 4. All instances on the system require a unique SID.


Upon success, the command returns the following message:

The Oracle base has been set to /home/oracle/app/oracle


Connect to the database:



Start the Oracle instance:



Set the static WALLET_ROOT parameter, which sets the keystore location you plan to use.

You must set up the WALLET_ROOT parameter even if you do not use a keystore.



Stop and restart the database after setting the WALLET_ROOT parameter:



Set the dynamic TDE_CONFIGURATION parameter that sets the type of keystore you plan to use:



Stop and restart the database after setting the TDE_CONFIGURATION parameter:



Open the hardware keystore using the password of the identity created on the :



Create the TDE Master Encryption Key by the password of the identity created on the :


If migrating a previously configured TDE Master Encryption Key, refer to this article.

If successful, the following message displays:

System altered.

If the database contains columns encrypted with a public key, the columns are decrypted and re-encrypted with the Oracle table key, which you encrypt or decrypt by using the AES symmetric key generated by HSM-based transparent data encryption.