Generic Futurex PKCS #11
Configure the Vectera Plus
Configure the network (Set the HSM IP address)
For this step, you must log in with an identity that has a role with permissions Communication:Network Settings. You can use the default Administrator role and Admin identities.
Choose one of the following methods to configure the network:
Excrypt Manager
Go to the Configuration menu and modify the IP address configuration as required.
At this point during the HSM configuration, consider the following:
- You can complete the remaining HSM configurations in this section by using the (see the applicable guide for configuring HSMs for PKCS #11 integrations using the ), except for the final section, which covers creating connection certificates for mutual authentication.
- If you are performing the configuration on the HSM directly but plan to add it to a Guardian later, you might have to synchronize the HSM after you add it to a device group on the Guardian.
- If your use case requires configuration through a CLI, then you should manage the HSMs directly.
Updated 08 Sep 2024
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