Set up the environment
Prepare your Google Cloud environment and GKE cluster for deployment. This section guides you through enabling necessary APIs, cluster creation, and preparing the deployment artifact.
Perform the following steps to enable the required Google Cloud APIs:
In the Google Cloud Console, navigate to APIs & Services > Library.
Search for and enable the following APIs:
- Kubernetes Engine API
- Google Container Registry API
Perform the following tasks to configure the cluster:
In the GCP Console, go to Kubernetes Engine > Clusters.
Click [ Create cluster ].
Configure the cluster settings:
- Choose a name, location type (Zonal or Regional), and zone/region
- Select the cluster version (latest stable recommended)
- Choose the node pool configuration (machine type, disk size, auto-scaling, etc.)
- Configure other settings as needed (networking, security, etc.)
Click [ Create ] to provision the GKE cluster.
Once the cluster is running, click [ Connect ].
Copy the provided gcloud command and run it in your local terminal.
This configures kubectl to authenticate with your GKE cluster.
Open a terminal (on Linux) or PowerShell (on Windows).
Change to the directory containing the cryptohub-k8-7.0.2.x.tar archive file by running the command:
Replace /path/to/directory/ with the path where you put the archive file.
Extract the cryptohub-k8-7.0.2.x.tar archive file with the following command:
Go to the cryptohub-k8-7.0.2.x directory:
The cryptohub-k8-7.0.2.x directory contains the following files:
- cryptohub-0.0.2.tgz
- secrets/cryptohub-tls-secret.yaml