
MySQL Enterprise TDE


This document provides instructions for integrating MySQL Enterprise TDE with the Futurex through KMIP. For additional questions about your device, refer to the administrator guide.

Overview of MySQL Enterprise

MySQL Enterprise Edition, offered by Oracle Corporation as part of the Oracle enterprise portfolio, is a commercial version of MySQL, an open-source relational database management system.

MySQL Enterprise includes the core MySQL Server along with additional enterprise-grade features, tools, and services that provide enhanced performance, security, and uptime compared to the community edition. It serves businesses that use MySQL as part of their IT infrastructure but require additional features (such as Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)) or support levels that the community edition doesn't provide.

Key components of MySQL Enterprise Edition include the following products:

  • MySQL Enterprise Server
  • MySQL Enterprise Backup
  • MySQL Enterprise Monitor
  • MySQL Enterprise Security
  • MySQL Enterprise Scalability
  • MySQL Enterprise Authentication
  • MySQL Enterprise Firewall
  • MySQL Enterprise Audit
  • MySQL Enterprise High Availability
  • MySQL Router
  • MySQL Workbench
  • MySQL Technical Support


Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) is an extensible communication protocol that defines message formats for manipulating cryptographic keys on a key management server. This facilitates data encryption by simplifying encryption key management. You can create keys on a server and then retrieve them, possibly wrapped by other keys. It supports both symmetric and asymmetric keys and certificate signing. KMIP also enables clients to ask a server to encrypt or decrypt data, without needing direct access to the key.

Transparent Data Encryption in MySQL Enterprise

MySQL Enterprise TDE enables data-at-rest encryption by encrypting the physical files of the database. It encrypts data automatically, in real-time, before writing to storage and decrypts it when reading from storage. As a result, hackers and malicious users cannot read sensitive data directly from database files. MySQL Enterprise TDE uses industry-standard AES algorithms.

MySQL Enterprise TDE includes the following file encryption coverage:

Encryption key management and rotation

MySQL Enterprise TDE uses a two-tier encryption key architecture that consists of a master encryption key and tablespace keys and provides easy key management and rotation. You can manage tablespace keys automatically over secure protocols and store the master encryption key in a centralized key management solution (such as the CryptoHub). Integrating with an external key management system, MySQL enforces a clear separation of keys from encrypted data.

Transparent protection

Database table encryption and decryption occur without additional coding, data type, or schema modifications. Also, users and applications continue to access data transparently without changes. MySQL Enterprise TDE gives developers and DBAs the flexibility to encrypt and decrypt tables and access MySQL tables that are not encrypted.

Integration overview

This guide covers the following tasks:

  1. Deploying the MySQL Enterprise TDE service in CryptoHub.
  2. Adding an endpoint inside the service for MySQL Enterprise TDE.
  3. Installing the keyring_okv KMIP plugin in MySQL Enterprise.
  4. Enabling and testing TDE in MySQL Workbench.

The following sections show you how to perform these tasks.