Configure vSEC:CMS to integrate with CryptoHub
Before proceeding, you must install Versasec CMS and set up per the instructions outlined in the following Versasec Support article:
After you install and configure vSEC, perform the following steps to configure the PKCS #11 (FXPKCS11) library in vSEC.
Start the vSEC Admin application.
When prompted, insert your System Owner (SO) hardware credential.
Enter the operator passcode for the System Owner and click [ Authenticate ].
If authentication is successful, the Admin application starts, and you are logged in to the Operator Console.
In the navigation menu, select Options > Connections.
Select [ Configure ] to open the Extras Connector Configuration dialog.
Select Hardware Security Module (HSM) in the list of available Connectors, select [ >> ], and select [ OK ].
The HSM is now listed under Enabled Connections.
In the navigation menu, select Options > Connections.
Select the HSM under Enabled Connections to open the HSM Connection dialog.
Select [ Add ] to open the HSM Configuration dialog.
Enter a name for the template, and select FutureX VirtuCrypt in the drop-down list.
If vSEC can find the PKCS #11 module in the system path, the HSM Parameters section appears, and the path to the FXPKCS11 DLL file displays in the PKCS11 DLL name field.
In the Slot field, select slot number 0.
In the PIN field, enter the identity password configured inside the <CRYPTO-OPR-PASS> tag in the fxpkcs11.cfg file, and select [ Check connection ].
If the connection is successful, you see the message, Server connection successfully established.
Select [ OK ] and select [ Save ] to finish creating the template.