Configure the FXPKCS11 module in Protegrity Data Protection Platform
The Protegrity documentation suite for 7.2.1 contains a guide named Protegrity Key Management Guide. The appendix of the guide has a section describing the steps to use Futurex as an HSM (Switching from Soft HSM to Futurex HSM).
The Protegrity Data Protection Platform requires drivers supporting Debian 9 with OpenSSL version 1.0.2 for version 7.2.1 of the Protegrity Data Protection Platform. PKCS #11 module version 4.57 (fxpkcs11-debian9-ssl1.0-4.57-ca22.tar) contains a compliant driver (the file fxpkcs11/x64/OpenSSL-1.0.x/ in the tar archive).
Upoad the server and client certificate files, client private key file, pkcs11 driver (, and fxpkcs11.cfg file to ESA and move them into the /opt/protegrity/hsm/external directory. Protegrity recommends putting all files in a tgz archive.
After you upload and extract the files to /opt/protegrity/hsm/external, set the file permissions to 744. Also ensure that the file owner is service_admin.
The following environment variables need to be set in the /opt/protegrity/hsm/external/hsm.env configuration file. An example is provided below:
After youcomplete the configuration , restart the HSM Gateway service on ESA and set the crypto user PIN.
In the ESA Web UI, navigate to System > Services.
Restart the HSM Gateway service.
Set the User PIN for the ESA to connect to the .
- In the ESA Web UI, go to Key Management > HSM > HSM.
- Select [ Set User PIN ].
- Enter the identity password configured inside the <CRYPTO-OPR-PASS> tag in the fxpkcs11.cfg file.
A dialog box to set the User PIN appears.
The ESA UI has built-in functionality to verify the configuration. The test checks for connectivity and authentication to the HSM (i.e., ). It also validates if the HSM generates random bytes to determine successful authentication and connection.
In the ESA Web UI, go to Key Management > HSM > HSM.
Select [ Test ].
The Test HSM Connection dialog box appears. If the test succeeds, green icons appear for the tests performed.
Select [ OK ].
Set the HSM as active:
In the ESA Web UI, go to Key Management> HSM > HSM.
Select [ Set As Active ].
Select [ OK ] in the confirmation box.