Configure Axway VA
This section covers installing and configuring the AXway VA server.
Select your operating system and perform the steps to install the VA server:
VA Server is no longer installed as an interactive service on Windows. This applies to both the Admin UI service and the Validation Authority Service that is installed as part of VA Server.
Using an account in the Administrators group, log on to the computer on which you will install the VA Server.
Copy the Validation_Authority_Server_<Release Version>win-x86-64_BNXXX.exe file that you received from Axway Global Support to the Windows system.
Double-click Validation_Authority_Server_<Release Version>win-x86-64_BNXXX.exe. The Welcome page displays. Follow the on-screen instructions as you proceed through the installation.
- Click [ Next ] to move forward to the next installation window.
- Click [ Back ] to return to the previous installation window.
- Click [ Cancel ] to close the installation program without installing any component of the VA Server. To install VA Server, re-run the installation program.
- Click [ Next ]. The License Agreement page displays.
Click [ Accept ] to accept the license agreement and go to the next page in the installer. Click [ No ] to cancel the installation. The Customer Information page displays.
Type your User Name, Company Name, and Email Address in the text fields provided. These are required fields except for the Email Address. However, you should provide an email address because it is used by the VA administration server to perform email notifications.
Click [ Next ]. The Choose Destination Location page displays, showing the default destination folder where VA Server components are installed.
To select a different destination folder, click [ Browse ] and enter the folder location.
Click [ Next ]. The VA Server Information page displays.
Enter the requested information on the host name, port number, and user for the VA administration server.
- Type the VA Server host name. The host name identifies the computer. The default host name is the name of the computer on which you are installing the VA Server.
- Type the VA administration server port number. This port number identifies the port at which the VA administration server listens for HTTPS requests from the browser. If you use a port other than the default (13333), make a note of it for future reference.
- Type the VA administration server user and password. This user is the initial user who can log in to the VA administration server. The default user name is "admin". If you type a different name, make a note of it. After completing the installation, you will log in to the VA administration server using this user name. The password must be at least eight characters long, contain at least one alphabetic character, one digit, one special character, one upper case character, one lower case character, and meet the requirements in the Manage VA administration server users section on page 77 of the Axway Validation Authority Administrator Guide. Re-type the password to confirm it. Click [ Next ] to continue.
Because you are using VA Server with an HSM device conforming to PKCS #11, you must configure VA Server to use the same password as the identity password configured inside the <CRYPTO-OPR-PASS> tag in the fxpkcs11.cfg file.
Select either the option to generate a self-signed certificate or import a PFX / P12 file. If you select Generate a Self-Signed Certificate, click [ Next ] and continue to step 11. If you select Import PFX / P12 from file:
- Select the file to import from the file selection dialog box and then click [ Open ].
- Enter a password to decrypt the file. This password was originally used to protect the PFX file.
- By default, the Encrypt Admin UI Private Key option is selected. If you do not want this option, uncheck the box to disable the password field. Enter a password to encrypt the admin server key for the VA Server. The password must be at least eight characters long, contain at least one alphabetic character, one digit, one special character, one upper case character, one lower case character, and meet the requirements in the Manage VA administration server users section on page 77 of the Axway Validation Authority Administrator Guide. This encryption option, along with the provided password, will automatically call apachepassphrase for unattended startup.
- Click [ Next ] to continue. The Start Copying Files page displays.
Check the current settings to ensure they are as desired. If you need to make any changes to the settings, use the [ Back ] button. Otherwise, click [ Next ] to continue.
Files are installed to the specified destination location. After the installation finishes, the InstallShield Wizard Complete page displays. The VA Server is successfully installed. This can be later verified using the Admin Server User Interface > Help > About page, which displays the current version.
Clear the Launch Administrative Server User Interface check box to start the VA administration server at a later time.
Click [ Finish ]. The installation program adds the VA Server to your Start menu. If you access Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services you will see Axway Validation Authority and Axway VA Admin included in the list of services. You can access the VA Server admin UI and this document from the Start menu. The installation also automatically creates an VA administrative server private key (adminserver.key) and SSL certificate (adminserver.crt) in the <VADataDir>\entserv directory. (Example: C:\ProgramData\Axway\VA\entserv in Windows.) You are now ready to use the VA administration server to configure, start, and manage the VA Server.
Perform the tasks in this section to configure the VA Server.
The admin UI requires an HTTPS server. This server is automatically installed and configured during VA Server installation. You can launch the admin UI automatically as the final step of installation, from the desktop icon created during the installation, or by accessing it directly from a browser using the VA administration server URL. For a standard connection, the URL is:
Where <hostname> and <port> are the VA Server host name and VA administration server port number you provided during installation (13333 by default).
The VA administration server is, by default, only available using SSL (https). Operating the VA administration server using non-SSL (http) disables certificate-based authentication for users.
When the web interface opens for the first time, you will receive an SSL certificate warning. Bypass this warning and proceed to the login page.
At the Administrative Login prompt, log in with Basic Authentication using the credentials set during installation.
After successful login it will load the home page of the admin UI.
Select the Enter License menu on the left. You will see a blank text area where you can paste in a product license.
In the file manager for your system, find the "VA Responder Temp" license file that was provided by Axway Global Support.
Double-click the "VA Responder Temp" license file to open it. Then type Ctrl+A to Select All, then Ctrl+C to copy to the clipboard.
Paste the license information into the blank text area on the Enter License page in the admin UI, then click [ Submit License ].
Enter the SAC ID that was provided by Axway Global Support, then click [ Verify License ].
If the submission is successful, the license information will be detailed to review on the Axway Validation Authority License page. Click [ Next Step ] once you have finished reviewing the information.
On the Import Configuration File page, click [ Skip ].
On the Install Custom Extensions page, select [ NO ], then click [ Submit ].
To prevent unauthorized access to the VA Server, change the server password.
If you already created a server password matching the } identity password configured inside the <CRYPTO-OPR-PASS> tag in the fxpkcs11.cfg file, leave the field blank and proceed to step 3. If you did not, you must do this now. Type the server password you set during installation into the Enter Current Server Password field.
Type the identity password in Enter New Password. The password must be at least 8 characters long and contain one uppercase, one lowercase, one digit, and one special character.
Verify the new password by typing it into Confirm New Password and click [ Submit ].
Click [ Next Step ] to continue with the initial configuration. The Key Type Selection page displays.
Because you must generate a public/private key pair to sign OCSP and SCVP responses when operating as a Responder, this key type is assigned as the default.
Select [ Submit Key Type ].
The Key Generation/Import Mechanism page displays.
Select the Generate/Import Hardware Key on custom PKCS11 provider option, set the Vendor as "Other", and type in the location of the Futurex PKCS #11 library. Then click [ Submit Key Generation Technique ].
Fill in all of the required information, then click [ Submit ].
In the User PIN field you must specify the identity password configured inside the <CRYPTO-OPR-PASS> tag in the fxpkcs11.cfg file.
All of the Certificate Options should be left as their default values.
If Axway VA was able to successfully create the OCSP/SCVP Response Signing key on the HSM you will see the following message:
In this section, before performing any configurations in the Axway VA admin UI, we'll first be completing the following actions directly on the using FXCLI.
Run the CLI program.
Set the TLS configuration to Anonymous using the following command:
Anonymous TLS is being used here to help simplify the demonstration. Using Anonymous is not recommended in a production setting. If you choose to connect to the HSM anonymously, you must enable the "Anonymous" setting for the HSM's production port.
Connect to the via TCP.
Log in with the default Admin1 and Admin2 identities.
Create a new key pair on the .
Add a PKCS #11 label to the private key.
The generate command in step 5 set "AxwaySslKeyPair" as the HSM label for the key pair. However, Axway VA cannot find the key using the HSM label. It must find it using a PKCS #11 label. That is why it is necessary to run the keytable extdata command above, which sets the PKCS #11 label in a separate field from where the HSM label is set.
Generate a certificate signing request (CSR).
Sign the CSR with a certificate authority (CA) certificate.
The CA certificate that is being used to sign the Axway VA certificate was also created using FXCLI. Next, we will import the signed certificate in the Axway VA admin UI.
First, install the CA that signed the certificate you're importing on the machine where you installed the Axway VA Server. Install the CA in the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities store for Windows or the equivalent store on your browser.
Log in to the VA admin UI
Go to the Create/Import Private Key menu, select SSL Communication For Admin Server, then click [ Submit Key Type ].
For the key generation/import mechanism, select Hardware Key Generation/Import using Other, then click [ Submit Key Generation Technique ].
Select Import previously generated private key, then click [ Submit Key Generation Or Import ].
Fill in all of the PKCS11 Token Information fields, paste in the PEM/BASE64 Certificate that we signed in the previous section, and select [ Submit Hardware Key to Import ].
Start a command prompt as administrator and call apachepassphrase.
This sets the password in the registry. The Apache HTTP Server will read it from there using apachepassphrase during startup automatically.
Restart the Axway VA Admin service in the Service Control Panel for changes to take effect.