Certificate validation

Axway VA


Axway Validation Authority (VA) is a specialized enterprise-grade solution designed for real-time validation of digital certificates. It provides a critical layer of security and trust for organizations by ensuring that only valid certificates are used in operational processes.

Key features

This integration has the following features:

  • High-performance validation: Experience lightning-fast certificate validation with the Axway VA Server optimized architecture, handling large-scale deployments and high volumes of certificate checks with ease.
  • Comprehensive PKI support: Seamlessly integrate Axway VA Server with your existing public key infrastructure (PKI), supporting various certificate authorities and digital certificate formats.
  • Real-time certificate status: Get up-to-date certificate-status information by using the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL), ensuring prompt detection and handling of compromised or expired certificates.
  • Scalable and reliable: Benefit from the modular design and clustering capabilities of Axway VA Server, enabling you to scale your deployment as your organization grows and ensuring high availability and fault tolerance.
  • Secure communications: Protect your certificate validation process with industry-standard encryption and authentication protocols, including SSL/TLS, guaranteeing secure data exchange between clients and the server.
  • Customizable policies: Tailor your certificate validation policies to meet your specific security requirements, ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: Deploy Axway VA Server on various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and UNIX, ensuring seamless integration with your existing infrastructure.
  • Comprehensive documentation and expert support: Access detailed documentation, tutorials, and expert support, empowering you to maximize the advanced features and capabilities of Axway VA Server.

Benefits of integration through PKCS #11

Integrating with provides the following benefits:

  • Robust key security: provides secure, tamper-proof storage for cryptographic keys used in the certificate validation process, adding an extra layer of security.
  • Performance optimization: we engineer our HSMs for efficient cryptographic operations, speeding up the validation process and overall system performance.
  • Compliance assurance: Integrating can help meet various stringent regulatory requirements regarding the secure storage and management of cryptographic keys.
  • Business continuity: includes features for robust backup and recovery, ensuring that key validation services remain uninterrupted.
  • Centralized management: integration enables a centralized point of control for cryptographic keys, simplifying the administration and governance of your security infrastructure.